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How to Post Comments on the Sunnyhill Voice

Submitted by Mia Rushton on behalf of Communications Committee

Now that we’re using the comments functionality on the website, we wanted to give a quick tutorial on how to use this feature.

Click the speech bubble button at the end of a post to open the comments box.

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After you click the Post Comment button, you’ll be prompted to add your name. There is also the option to add an email address and or website, but these are not required.

Choose Comment as Guest to finalize the post.

Unfortunately the member login service we use doesn’t integrate with Squarespace comments. The second option to ‘Log in to Comment’ refers to Squarespace account logins- feel free to log in this way if you happen to have an account but it’s not necessary.

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Voila! You’ve just posted a comment.

To respond to an existing comment, click the arrow icon on the right of the post.

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This may not be the perfect solution, but we’ll try it for now and see how it works.

Please send your feedback to

April 9 Grounds Memo to Board and Members

Submitted by Bob, Cindy, David B, David S, Don, Helen, Janice,  Kris, Pam on behalf of Grounds Committee

Dear Sunnyhill Membership,

With heavy hearts all of the current members on the Grounds Committee resign ourpositions effective immediately. We have enjoyed caring for the grounds at SHC, building long term relationships with our landscaping company, and envisioning a future that dovetails with the co-op's sustainability goals. 

Some of us have been on the committee for nearly two decades and others have joinedmore recently. But the consensus is that we do not have a working relationship with theBoard. The past year has been extremely difficult. Our experience has been contrary to the principles of cooperation that SHC was founded upon and we think that revisiting the difference between governance and management is a topic that requires urgent review at Sunnyhill.

We have loved working on behalf of the membership, but our stress levels require mitigation.


Bob, Cindy, David B, David S, Don, Helen, Janice,  Kris, Pam

A Note Regarding Facebook

Submitted by Mia Rushton on behalf of Communications Committee

The Sunnyhill Facebook group is a social resource- a place for informal conversations between neighbours. Especially at this time when our lives have been changed so dramatically, many of us may be experiencing stress, anxiety and uncertainty. Having strong community connections helps- but only if we treat each other well. 

We can all do our part in making this a respectful, productive and enjoyable place to connect by practicing the 3 Re’s: re-thinking our reactions, re-reading our responses and re-directing our questions. 

The Sunnyhill Facebook group is not a place to discuss or debate the workings of the co-op. Please direct any questions, concerns or comments to committees or the board. The phone list includes contact information for committee members if you’re unsure of who to speak to. All posts related to co-op policy will be removed by the group admins. 

Members of the Communications Committee do their best to moderate and administer this group. If you have questions or comments for the admins, please contact us via the committee email address, not Facebook tags or direct message. 

Although it may feel like the conversations here are public and available to the membership- they’re not. Not everyone chooses to be on the Facebook group; it is a subset of the co-op membership. We want to encourage all members to be informed and engaged in respectful, civil and lively discussion. This is best done in a place where we can all contribute and benefit from each other’s contributions. 

The Communications Committee is researching the possibility of integrating a forum on the co-op website. For now, we’ll experiment with turning commenting on blog posts at the request of the writer/ submitter. Let us know what you think! Please share your thoughts with Communications about what your ideal discussion space would look like. Reach us at

Gentle movement classes

Submitted by Debbie Willis

As many of us are staying home and are unable to practice our normal exercise routines, Debbie from unit 34 is offering a stretch and balance class geared towards older people, people with chronic pain, or anyone who would like a gentle movement break to help them recover from the anxiety and increased screen-time that coronavirus has inflicted. The classes will run Fridays at 2pm for 40 minutes and are open to anyone who is interested (if you have parents or friends outside of the co-op who may appreciate this type of class, please invite them to join in). Debbie is a long-time practitioner of yoga and will be focusing on alignment, safe movement, and opening the chest to give space to the lungs—since we know that lung health is highly important at this time. Please email her at if you are interested in joining and she's send you the info and Zoom link.

Board Bytes- April 2, 2020

Submitted by Sarah Reimer on behalf fo the Board of Directors

No April Fool’s joke!  The Board held an emergency meeting via ZOOM to address the maelstrom that is COVID-19 and its effect on our community.  

  Here is a synopsis of the work undertaken at our meeting on April 1, 2020.

  • The Board has re-worked budget projections using 0% and 2% increase options, and will be recommending that as a community, we prioritise our social needs for the upcoming budget year.  The Board will be recommending a 0% increase to our operating costs for 2020. 

    • We will still be holding a virtual budget meeting via ZOOM to allow members an opportunity to voice concerns, and to vote on this recommendation.  

      • New budget meeting scheduled for April 26 from 2-4

    •    We request that questions, concerns and general feedback be provided to the office email prior to the meeting to allow for clear presentation of issues and speakers.

  • In regards to emergency Covid-19- related subsidy relief, the Board has moved that financial need be the only stipulation for support; best fit and non- member adult requirements will be suspended for emergency relief.  

    • All members will be provided with information on government relief and support programs, and we encourage members in need to make use of these resources.

  • We are able to schedule ad hoc garbage collections as needed through BluPlanet.

    • If the nearest dumpster is full, please attempt another one and/ or pace your large clear-out dumps

    • If overflowing garbages persist, please email the office providing the location of the problematic dumpster.  

  • The Board passed a motion to authorise grounds to utilise their remaining budget funds to ensure that communal pathways and garbage enclosures are cleared of ice and therefore safe for members to use.

    • We also requested that grit be supplied beside the 3 St N garbage enclosure; if the area is icy, please spread grit prior to using it to ensure your safety. 

  • Normally, we would need to hold an AGM by June, but the Office of Co-ops has informed us that AGM deadlines have been extended.   

    • Previously scheduled AGM (April 18) has been cancelled.

    • The Board will look into setting a new AGM date at a later time.  

  • SACHA’s AGM (April 25) has been cancelled. 

  • CHF AGM (June 11-13) has been cancelled.  We thank all members who expressed interest in attending. 

  • The Board accepted Member Selection’s recommendation for unit 762 (apologies for the previous type-o). 

  • We still have one Board vacancy which we are currently seeking to fill.  Please communicate your interest in serving on the board to the office. 

  • Our next scheduled Board meeting is April 14.  

We appreciate the outpouring of concern for individual members and for our community; the creative and varied means of maintaining socially distant contact is what we are all about!  Thank you, Sunnyhill, for showing up in caring ways for your neighbours across the co-op!    

Cooperatively yours,

Sarah Reimer

On behalf of the Board of Directors

A Note on Housing Charge Recalculations

Submitted by Brenda Willman and Mia Rushton

From the unofficial Board update, March 23: 

"If you are in need because of a change of circumstances and you need immediate support, please note that members can apply for a short-term (3- month) housing charge subsidy at any time under current policies; if it turns out that people’s needs extend beyond that time, we will revisit the our subsidy policy and procedure in response

In our block’s group email conversation last week, Brenda shared her knowledge of our co-op’s policies around subsidies. I thought it would be useful to share it with everyone in light of the current COVID/unemployment situation. With Brenda’s permission, this is what she shared with us:

IN FACT, the Housing Charge Calculation Collection Policy allows for recalculations - NOT at the usual annual time - in the following circumstances:

- a 3 month calculation when a member goes on Social Assistance;  and

- it allows the Board to order a Calculation when a situation occurs that was not foreseen by this policy such as is the case now. 


 4.6.3 (c) (The Housing Charge will be recalculated) when a MEMBER begins to receive Social Assistance. Special rules apply to these cases, as described in Section 12. [note - this should say section 13 and is a typo]

4.6.4 The Board may order a HOUSING CHARGE calculation when a situation occurs that was not foreseen by this policy.

4.13 What happens if a MEMBER is on Social assistance?

If a unit is qualified to receive a REDUCED HOUSING CHARGE as defined in Section 4.4 and is on social assistance, the HOUSING CHARGE is calculated and collected as follows:

4.13.1 When the MEMBER applies for social assistance, he or she is required to get a form filled out by the "landlord" This form will be filled out by the TREASURER or another officer of the coop, and will show the amount of the housing charge the MEMBER is paying at the time of the application as the “rent”.

4.13.2        If the MEMBER receives social assistance, he or she will take the receipt from Alberta Social Services and give it to the TREASURER

4.13.3        If the amount the MEMBER is receiving from Social Services for “rent” is less than the MEMBER's normal HOUSING CHARGE, then the TREASURER will make the MEMBER's HOUSING CHARGE equal to the greater of the amount the MEMBER is receiving from Alberta Social Services or the FULL SUBSIDY HOUSING CHARGE for the unit

4.13.4        The HOUSING CHARGE for a MEMBER receiving social assistance will be reviewed at the next quarterly housing charge calculation after he or she begins to receive social assistance, and at subsequent quarterly re-calculation dates.

Sunnyhill Community Dinner

Submitted by Yvonne Sabraw

Sunnyhill Community Dinner
Sunday March 29 5:30 pm

(Or.... “never have we been LESS in need of a gathering space!!!”)

Let’s bring our Sunnyhill neighbours together, virtually, and support a local restaurant!
We are placing a group order from the Vietnamese Restaurant “Pho HouZ” on 10th street, for delivery Sunday 5:30. ORDERS SHOULD BE IN BY 5:00pm Saturday, please!

How to proceed for ordering supper:

1.  Check out the menu online:

2. Phone the owner of Pho HouZ, Catherine, at 403-619-2248 (her personal line) with your order. Make sure you tell her your name and unit number. Tell her you are part of Sunnyhill Co-op’s group order.

3. If you plan to cover the cost of your own meal, find out your total. (Don’t calculate delivery or tips, we will cover that).

4. If you can’t cover the cost of your meal - it’s on us!!!  Enjoy a treat in these stressful times!! 

5. If you plan to pay for your meal, drop an envelope with cash (we’ll wear latex gloves!!) in the mailbox #22 sometime Sunday. Or, send an e-transfer to the following email address: Security question prompt should be: “the day we are eating” and put March29 as answer.

6. Be ready to receive your dinner, delivered to your door, around 5:30 Sunday.

Then comes the community part. You can join the virtual dinner in several ways- whether or not you were part of the group order.

1.  Low-tech : it’s supposed to be a lovely day. Let’s get out on our balconies at some point, especially for the 7:00pm city-wide daily

2. On computer by Zoom: Send your email address to Philip by Sunday noon:
He will send you an invitation link by email on Sunday. Click on the link at the appointed time and we’ll all connect virtually!

3. Connect with one other neighbour by phone or Skype, if it feels like too much to eat dinner with everyone on computer. The idea is for no one to eat alone. If you want to connect directly with the Cox-Sabraw family by FaceTime, Messenger, Skype, or telephone call, just let us know by Sunday noon and we’ll figure something out (home phone is on the phone list. Call us!)

Look forward to seeing you all in one way or another on Sunday!

Playground Closure Recommendation

Submitted by Cindy Schnee on behalf of Grounds Committee

The Grounds Committee respectfully disagrees with the board's decision to allow our members to play on our playground structure at their discretion. It is IMPOSSIBLE TO KEEP EQUIPMENT SANITIZED, THIS VIRUS PERSISTS ON HARD SURFACES FOR AS LONG AS A DAY.. And how about other kids passing by who see our kids on the playground structure? We feel it is just safer all around if we close it to all and are willing and able to take the necessary steps this evening (March 23) to do so.  

March 23 Unofficial Board Update

Submitted by Sarah Reimer and Richard Harrison, Unofficial Board Reporters

Hello everyone,

Now that we’re all settling in to the longer-term effects of COVID-19 and the country’s response to it, we want to keep as many members as informed and as current as possible. So, you may get messages twice since we will be posting on Facebook as well as sending emails.

Until further notice, or in case of emergency, Andrea will be working from home. Board members will be her hands in the office- sending required documents etc in order to facilitate successful remote working arrangements.   Phone calls to the office will be forwarded to her during business hours, and she’ll respond to messages left outside business hours at her earliest convenience. Emails are still a great way to communicate with her and the board. 

For now, and in the near future, only emergency maintenance requests will be fulfilled upon request; they will be forwarded to Dale to protect both him and you from exposure to multiple service providers.  When requesting emergency maintenance, please indicate whether you or any family members are ill.  Obviously, if you are ill, further measures to ensure everyone's safety will need to be enforced, but repairs can still be completed.  Non- emergency requests can still be made and will be collected for handling later.  

Lastly, we know everyone is hurting financially. As has been spoken of in the news and already posted on Facebook, there are several programs being rolled out by various levels of government to offset the consequences of quarantine, but the future remains uncertain.

If you are in need because of a change of circumstances and you need immediate support, please note that members can apply for a short-term (3- month) housing charge subsidy at any time under current policies; if it turns out that people’s needs extend beyond that time, we will revisit the our subsidy policy and procedure in response.

We are continuing to explore alternatives to face-to-face meetings. We’ve been advised that votes taken online are considered valid. Originally, the board had postponed the budget meeting until March 29, but beg your understanding if further extensions are required.  We will do our utmost to ensure that proper 10 days' notice is still given.

As of today, the City has closed all playgrounds to the public. Our playground has been open to the public as well, so we will post a sign indicating that it, too, is closed in the same way. However, it is the Co-op’s, so it remains open to be used at your discretion and with the need for physical distancing in mind.

We will update you as things develop. Stay well, and stay safe.

Sarah Reimer and Richard Harrison

Unofficial Board Reporters

Keeping clean and safe

Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee

Disclaimer – we tried to get information from the internet using the most reliable sources such as Alberta Health and the World Health Organization 


Make your own bleach disinfectant cleaning solution for surfaces (not hands)

Info from Alberta Health Services:

“You can prepare a bleach water solution with 100 ml of unscented household bleach per 900 ml of water.”

Also, do NOT combine bleach with any of these (they form toxic fumes)

  • Ammonia

  • Acidic compounds such as vinegar or window cleaner

  • Alcohol

Note – once mixed, the solution loses its effectiveness after 24 hours.

Hand Sanitizer

Recipe 1 – using rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide and glycerol (recommended by the WHO)

  • 1 2/3 cups alcohol

  • 2 tsp glycerol

  • 1 Tblsp hydrogen peroxide

  • ¼ cup water

Mix 1 ⅔ cups alcohol with 2 teaspoons of glycerol. If you can't find glycerol, proceed with the rest of the recipe anyway and just remember to moisturize your hands after applying the sanitizer.

Mix in 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide, then another ¼ cup of distilled or boiled (then cooled) water. (If you're working with a lower-concentration solution of rubbing alcohol, use far less water; remember, at least ⅔ of your final mixture has to be alcohol.)

Recipe 2 – using alcohol and aloe vera


  • 2/3 cup 99 percent rubbing alcohol (isopropyl alcohol) or ethanol

  • 1/3 cup aloe vera gel

  • 8 to 10 drops essential oil, optional

Recipe 3 -using just hydrogen peroxide:


  • spray 3% on your hands after washing, or dip hands into a container of 3%

And don’t forget Soap

According to National Geographic, soap is one of the best disinfectants:

“Soap works so effectively because its chemistry prys open the coronavirus’s exterior envelope and cause it to degrade. These soap molecules then trap tiny fragments of the virus, which are washed away in water. Hand sanitizers work similarly by busting apart the proteins contained in a virus.”

Cleaning electronic devices

From Alberta Health Services

“Follow manufacturer’s instructions for use for specific recommendations. 

  • Use a disposable soft, non-abrasive, lint- free damp cloth or wipe, pre-moistened with a cleaner/disinfectant

  • Squeeze out excess liquid before use. 

  • Never spray products directly onto electronic devices 

Examples of disinfectants that may be indicated in the manufacturer’s instructions for use: 

  • Alcohol swabs and wipes (often used for phones, mouse, pagers) 

  • Combination products such as alcohol/quaternary ammonium e.g. CaviWipes® 

  • Hydrogen peroxide products such as accelerated hydrogen peroxide (AHP) products e.g. Virox RTU®, Accel®, Oxivir®, Percept Wipe®”

Do not use bleach on electronic devices

Make your own face mask

Check out websites if you are interested and able to sew your own face mask.  For example: 

And, this is just rumour – but a student at Calgary Immigrant Women’s Association who was a Dr in her home country, recommends using a woman’s sanitary napkin.  If you do this, we want photos….


And finally here is a link to debunk some of the myths about Covid19 going around:

March 20 Unofficial Board Update

Submitted by Sarah Reimer and Richard Harrison, Unofficial Board Reporters

Hello Sunnyhill, 

The Board is currently discussing a lot of things while we get ready to continue this quarantine for a fairly long stretch.  And while the Co-op is, relatively speaking, running OK we would like to propose that we resume some practices successfully kept the community informed and together during the Flood.

The board will publish a short and to the point “ongoing and unofficial” newsletter through Facebook and member emails— just some quick updates and comments that we hope will add to our sense of community. 

This would be unofficial board reporting, but it will serve a purpose.  While all directors are encouraged to contribute, Sarah and Richard will take on the the administration of this project, mostly to increase information flow and reduce turnaround times. 

We sense the worry, and even if the Board can’t give immediate answers, we want you to know that we are considering and working on all your questions. We’re in this for the long haul. 

With hopes for continued health to you all, 

Board Daily Report

Below is are Board updates that were posted on Facebook earlier this week for your convenience; apologies that they weren't also email out.

March 17

Given the current and rapidly changing global and local landscape, the Board is preparing for upcoming meetings where a large group event will not be possible. We all know that everyone’s personal and professional lives have been burdened with what it takes to cope with the crisis, including staying informed about what the most up-to-date strategies and recommendations are. In keeping with the latest government of Alberta information and the approaches of other public institutions, we are exploring options which would allow us to have a live meeting without the physical compromise of a group event. We will keep you posted about our progress and timelines. We hope you are all faring well. If there is anything that Sunnyhill can do for you during this time, please do not hesitate to call the office. We may be isolated, but we are not alone. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Board of Directors

March 19 

The board has decided to request that Andrea work from home until further notice. Directors have agreed to be her hands in the office- sending required documents (not an exhaustive list ...) etc in order to facilitate successful remote working arrangements.

The details of how this will work are developing, and a more formal notice of this decision will be published on our website later today.

With thanks for your understanding and concern for our whole community.

Block 801-813 prepares for COVID-19

Submitted by Cindy Schnee

Block 801-803 has implemented a block-rep system for checking in on each other.

Eric is visiting door to door on Monday, Cindy on Wednesday and Laura on Friday, just to make sure everyone is okay. We have also started an email group of everyone on the block to communicate any needs or just to chat. 

We invite others to adopt/ adapt this to your blocks to make sure we all get through this safely and well supported.

COVID-19- Board Update

Submitted by Sarah Reimer on behalf of the Board

Given the current and rapidly changing global and local landscape, the Board is preparing for upcoming meetings where a large group event will not be possible. We all know that everyone’s personal and professional lives have been burdened with what it takes to cope with the crisis, including staying informed about what the most up-to-date strategies and recommendations are. In keeping with the latest government of Alberta information and the approaches of other public institutions, we are exploring options which would allow us to have a live meeting without the physical compromise of a group event. We will keep you posted about our progress and timelines. We hope you are all faring well. If there is anything that Sunnyhill can do for you during this time, please do not hesitate to call the office. We may be isolated, but we are not alone. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

The Board of Directors

COVID-19 information

Submitted by Ren Stewart

On behalf of the Social Committee in collaboration with the Education Committee:

 AHS is suggesting neighbours keep an eye on each other in case anybody gets the coronavirus and needs to stay home for the recommended 2 weeks or 14 days. I think we should be proactive and make an emergency plan for our community to not only contain any outbreak but to prevent it from spreading.

 Links are provided for most of the information anyone would need.

 How do I protect myself?

  • Alberta Health Services 

  • To help protect against all respiratory illnesses, including the flu and COVID-19, you should: sh your hands often and well. Refer to hand-washing guidance

    1. Avoid touching your face, nose, or mouth with unwashed hands. 

    2. Avoid close contact with people who are sick

    3. Clean and disinfect surfaces that are frequently touched

    4. Stay at home and away from others if you are feeling ill (14 days)

    5. When sick, cover your cough and sneezes and then wash your hands. Refer to respiratory etiquette guidance here:


  • Regular updates

  • Cases

  • How to prepare households and communities

  • Building an emergency kit, etc.


 COVID-19 symptoms are similar to influenza or other respiratory illnesses. Common symptoms include:

  • fever

  • cough

  • extreme tiredness

Symptom of serious illness include:

  • difficulty breathing

  • pneumonia

Most people (about 80%) recover without needing special treatment. However, it can cause serious illness in some, and there is a risk of death in severe cases.

While we are still learning about how COVID-19 people who are older or have with pre-existing medical conditions (such as high blood pressure, heart disease, lung disease, cancer or diabetes) appear to develop serious illness more often than others.

If you have symptoms, stay home and call Health Link 811 for instructions.

More helpful information:

Politics Briefing: No need to be alarmist about ...

David McKeown, MD served as Toronto's medical officer of health from 2004 to 2016, during the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) outbreak in Toronto,

Yours in cooperation,

Ren Stewart

Board Bytes- March 2020

Submitted by Sarah Reimer on behalf of the Board of Directors

Spring feels just around the corner, and yet, with current health concerns, rather than coming out of hibernation, we find ourselves self-isolating and avoiding human contact.  While digital contact cannot compete with the ‘real thing,’ I hope that we reach out and meet each others’ emotional, social and physical needs as best we can. Please reach out to the office, board and/ or relevant committees if you are in any need.  We truly are stronger together… even while we are apart… oh, the irony!

  Here is a synopsis of the work undertaken at our meeting on March 11, 2020.

  • Further Budget review to prepare for our meeting on March 15 from 2-4.  

    • The Board will undertake an audit/ update of PMC’s tasks and responsibilities 

    • We also struck an ad hoc committee (open to 2 representatives from finance and 2 from Board) to work with Birgit (bookkeeper) to address membership requests to adjust the budget annual cycle, manage unspent budget dollars and re-work budget lines, categories and subcategories for future years for greater clarity, readability and transparency.  

  • Sunnyhill’s AGM is scheduled from 1-3 on April 18, 2020 at the curling club.  We look forward to seeing you all there.  

  • SACHA’s AGM is scheduled for April 25 from 830- 430.  Two directors will attend. 

  • The CHF AGM will be held in Halifax from June 11-13 and the Board invites interested members to indicate their desire to represent the co-op at this important event.  The co-op covers the costs for this trip, and a written/ oral presentation at a GM of information gathered is required.  

  • The Board met for a policy re-writing workshop and made good head-way in preparing policy/ handbook documents for membership approval.  Further such meetings are anticipated. Thank you for all the insight offered the board, and for the cooperation of committees to help reword policy.  

  • Reminder that the lane between 3 St and 4 St blocks is an emergency vehicle access and turning lane and therefore is not available for member parking.  We will engage the city to see if appropriate signs can be posted. 

  • We still have one Board vacancy which we are currently seeking to fill.  Please communicate your interest in serving on the board to the office. 

 Cooperatively yours,

Sarah Reimer

On behalf of the Board of Directors

Cancelled- Spring Fling & Easter Egg Hunt

Submitted by Dorrie Derbowka on behalf of Social Committee

Update: March 12

Rachel Rose on behalf of the Social Committee:

In light of the concerns about and rapidly changing circumstances around  COVID-19  the Social Committee has decided to cancel the upcoming St. Patricks Day Pub and Spring Fling. We will work to find other events in the future at times when it feels safe to gather and share. Thanks for your understanding. 

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