Submitted by Sarah Reimer on behalf of the Board of Directors
Spring feels just around the corner, and yet, with current health concerns, rather than coming out of hibernation, we find ourselves self-isolating and avoiding human contact. While digital contact cannot compete with the ‘real thing,’ I hope that we reach out and meet each others’ emotional, social and physical needs as best we can. Please reach out to the office, board and/ or relevant committees if you are in any need. We truly are stronger together… even while we are apart… oh, the irony!
Here is a synopsis of the work undertaken at our meeting on March 11, 2020.
Further Budget review to prepare for our meeting on March 15 from 2-4.
The Board will undertake an audit/ update of PMC’s tasks and responsibilities
We also struck an ad hoc committee (open to 2 representatives from finance and 2 from Board) to work with Birgit (bookkeeper) to address membership requests to adjust the budget annual cycle, manage unspent budget dollars and re-work budget lines, categories and subcategories for future years for greater clarity, readability and transparency.
Sunnyhill’s AGM is scheduled from 1-3 on April 18, 2020 at the curling club. We look forward to seeing you all there.
SACHA’s AGM is scheduled for April 25 from 830- 430. Two directors will attend.
The CHF AGM will be held in Halifax from June 11-13 and the Board invites interested members to indicate their desire to represent the co-op at this important event. The co-op covers the costs for this trip, and a written/ oral presentation at a GM of information gathered is required.
The Board met for a policy re-writing workshop and made good head-way in preparing policy/ handbook documents for membership approval. Further such meetings are anticipated. Thank you for all the insight offered the board, and for the cooperation of committees to help reword policy.
Reminder that the lane between 3 St and 4 St blocks is an emergency vehicle access and turning lane and therefore is not available for member parking. We will engage the city to see if appropriate signs can be posted.
We still have one Board vacancy which we are currently seeking to fill. Please communicate your interest in serving on the board to the office.
Cooperatively yours,
Sarah Reimer
On behalf of the Board of Directors