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Sunnyhill Voice - February 2025

Hello Sunnyhill Members,

❄ We hope you are surviving the cold! The February 2025 edition of the Sunnyhill Voice is now available—click below to explore:

We’d love to hear from you! Send in your favorite recipes, photos, neighbor shoutouts, uplifting stories, adorable pet pictures, or anything else that can bring joy to our community.

Thank you for being an incredible part of our neighborhood!

Sunnyhill Voice - January 2025

Hello Sunnyhill Members,

Happy New Year! 🎉

We hope you had a wonderful holiday season. The January 2025 edition of the Sunnyhill Voice is now available—click below to explore:

We’d love to hear from you! Send in your favorite recipes, photos, neighbor shoutouts, uplifting stories, adorable pet pictures, or anything else that can bring joy to our community.

Thank you for being an incredible part of this year. Here’s to a bright and exciting 2025! 😊

Sunnyhill Voice - December 2024 NewsLetter

Hello Neighbours,

Happy Holidays! 🎄

The December 2024 issue of the Sunnyhill Voice is now available—click below to explore:

We’d love to hear from you! Share your recipes, photos, neighbour shoutouts, heartwarming news stories, adorable pet pictures, or anything else that could brighten the day for our community.

Thank you for making this year so special. Wishing you all a joyful holiday season and a fantastic start to the new year! See you in 2025! 😊


Submitted by Marion Gauzer

There will be an November Good Food Box delivery on November 28.

To place an order, please fill out and submit our online order form

no later than noon on November 19.

If you’re unable to submit your order online or have any questions, please email me ( and include your order information.

Box sizes and prices:

Boxes come in three sizes (*weights are approximate):

Small Box: $30

15 – 20 lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Medium Box: $35

25 – 30 lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Large Box: $40

35 – 40 lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Choose a payment method:

  • Pay cash when you pick up your order:

    • in an envelope labelled with your name OR

  • Pay by email transfer before the delivery date:


Submitted by the Education Committee

Just a friendly reminder that the Education Committee is asking members to please complete a brief <5 minute survey about potential topics that the Education committee could cover for newsletter contributions and for workshops. For those who have already responded — thank you!

We want to ensure that any content that we put together will be helpful to the community, and we welcome any other ideas you have for how the committee can help address any knowledge/awareness gaps or needs. We would be grateful for your time and input! Responses can be provided anonymously.

Please complete the survey by November 23, 2024.

Link to the survey:


Submitted by Eric Moschopedis

Hello neighbours!

Mia + Eric here (803).

We wanted to invite you to our exhibition, In a Strange Place, that is showing at Contemporary Calgary November 7 – February 9.

This work comes out of a multi-year community engagement process we ran in Norway, Germany, and England (and a bit of Canada too). The work is about the future of our forests and the people who care for woodlands in each of the different regions. In a Strange Place is made up of 150 forest caretakers doing slow improvised dances of their work in local forests.

The Sunnyhill connection:

Mia + Eric were the lead artists on the project.

The music for In a Strange Place was composed by Sunnyhill’s very own Kris Demeanor (789)—and it is gorgeous.

Rachel Rose (807) came with us to England last spring as our Artistic Assistant. Rachel ran workshops that prepared 30 forest caretakers for their performances on camera. Rachel’s job was to get people to slow down! And did she ever!

More information about the exhibition here:

Halloween Events Around Calgary

Submitted by Paola Bacaro

Pumpkins After Dark — Running until October 31, this outdoor Halloween events features fun for the whole family. At Winsport now!

Dash of Doom — This run takes place October 26, 2024 at North Glenmore Park. Wear a Halloween costume, bring your pet, and get a medal at the end!

Calgary Ghost Walks — Enjoy a researched historical tour of some of the spooky neighbourhoods in Calgary, there’s even one in Kensington October 24!

Garbage, Recycling & Compost Reminders

Submitted by the Education Committee

We all have a responsibility to keep our garbage enclosures tidy and we rely on members to sort their garbage, recycling, and compost correctly. It’s also important to be mindful that our neighbours have room for their garbage as well.

Please keep enclosures tidy and leaving space for our neighbours:

  • There are six garbage enclosures around the co-op. Any of these can be used by members.

  • If the bins are getting full and the lids cannot be shut, please walk your garbage over to any of the other enclosures around the co-op that still have room to avoid overflowing.

  • Any overflowing garbage that’s on the floor can attract pests and result in additional charges to the co-op.

  • Please break down cardboard boxes before placing them in the bins.

  • Hold on to larger items until the dumpster is rented for the Spring Cleanup.

For information about disposing of your garbage, recycling, or compost, see the City of Calgary’s What Goes Wherepage.

What do you do if you have a lot of recycling or garbage?

If you have a lot of recycling, additional bins are available the Community Recycling Depot at the east end of the North Hill shopping centre parking lot. The City of Calgary has also Eco Centres, where you can dispose of different types of waste. They have partnered with Goodwill to keep usable items out of the landfill to be used again.

Eco Centres will accept:

  • Waste that does not fit into our bins, including tires, larger furniture or other household items;

  • Hazardous materials (e.g., paint, chemicals) and electronics;

  • Items that can be given a second life through recycling, such as clothes and textiles, and building materials;

  • Many other items, which can be dropped off free of charge. Though some items or larger loads have a fee associated with their disposal.

Get To Know Your Neighbour

Submitted by Paola Bacaro

Name: Rachel Rose
Unit: 807
Prettiest place you’ve ever been to: Probably the top of a mountain somewhere! But the beaches of Haida Gwai and Hawaii stand out in my mind, and I also loved exploring the urban energy of Oslo and NYC over the last few years.
Favourite thing to do on the weekend: Find a spot by the river or in the mountains to relax and explore!
Favourite late-night snack: I am not a big late night snacker, but I would eat peanut butter every chance I get!
Something others may not know about you: I spent my high school years in a small town outside of Houston, Texas.

Late October & November Good Food Box

Submitted by Marion Gauzer

There will be an October Good Food Box delivery on October 31. To place an order, please fill out and submit our online order form no later than noon on October 22.

If you’re unable to submit your order online or have any questions, please email me ( and include your order information.

The last Good Food Box delivery for 2024 takes place on November 28. The order deadline is no later than noon on November 19. You can submit an order form for the November delivery by typing ‘November’ next to your name on the form.

Box sizes and prices:
Boxes come in three sizes (*weights are approximate):

Small Box: $30
15 – 20 lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Medium Box: $35
25 – 30 lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Large Box: $40
35 – 40 lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Choose a payment method:

  • Pay cash when you pick up your order:

    • in an envelope labelled with your name OR

  • Pay by email transfer before the delivery date:

Early October Good Food Box

Submitted by Marion Gauzer

There’s still time to get the first October delivery! Please submit your order no later than noon on September 24. The first October delivery date is October 3. Note: there will be a second delivery at the end of October—information to follow.

If you aren’t able to submit your order online (or have any questions), please email me ( with your order information.

Box sizes and prices:

Boxes come in three sizes (*weights are approximate):

Small Box: $30 15-20lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Medium Box: $35 25-30lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Large Box: $40 35-40lbs* of fruits and vegetables

Choose a payment method: Pay cash (in an envelope labelled with your name) when you pick up your order OR Pay by email transfer before the delivery date: Send your email transfer to Belle Auld (

Get to Know your Neighbour

Submitted by Paola Bacaro

Name: Isaac Azuelos

Unit: 411 Prettiest place you’ve ever been to: Hạ Long Bay

Favourite thing to do on the weekend: I play a Star Trek-themed tabletop RPG with friends on Sunday

Favourite late-night snack: Rocky road ice cream

Something others may not know about you: A tweet of mine was once used as part of a reading comprehension question on an English test in China. I had a few test-takers message me after.

Battery and Lightbulb Recycling Reminders

Submitted by Belle Auld

We have two containers for old batteries and certain types of old light bulbs in the shed.


-Everything except car batteries can go in the plastic bin labelled Batteries in the shed

Light Bulbs

-Compact fluorescent bulbs – go in the box labelled Light Bulbs in the garage. This is what compact fluorescent light bulbs look like:

Light bulbs we do not recycle:

  • Incandescent light bulbs (regular old fashioned bulbs), LED lightbulbs, or halogen light bulbs – these can go directly into our black garbage carts ·

  • Fluorescent tubes – you must take these to a designated fire hall. A maximum of three (3) – no longer than 4 feet in length - can be taken to a designated fire hall* More than three (3) tubes and tubes longer than 4 feet in length need to go one of the city’s free Throw 'n' Go landfill areas**

    *Our closest designated fire station is: ·Vista Heights Fire Station #4 (1991 - 18 Avenue NE)

    **Free Throw 'n' Go landfill areas: East Calgary Landfill (68 Street and 17 Avenue SE) Shepard Landfill (12111 Avenue & 68 Street SE) Spyhill Landfill (69 Street and 112 Avenue NW)

Fall Events in and around Calgary

From Tourism Calgary

Harvest Lights

Experience the vibrant charms of the farmyard under the evening sky.

Where: Calgary Farmyard 284022 Township Rd 224, Rocky View County, AB T1X 0J6

When: Fridays and Saturdays until October 27

Wordfest Presents Carol Off + Festival Preview

Wordfest invites you to a conversation with acclaimed Canadian journalist Carol Off to discuss A Loss for Words: Conversation in an Age of Rage. This event will be hosted by Shelley Youngblut with an exclusive preview of Wordfest’s 2024 Imaginairium. Owl’s Nest Books will have copies of Off’s new book and backlist, as well as a tasty selection of titles by festival authors.

Where: Memorial Park Library, 2nd Floor

When: September 16

Calgary International Film Festival

The Calgary International Film Festival showcases over 175 multi-genre feature and short films from Canada and around the world at the largest film festival in Alberta. Browse the films and get your ticket bundles now.

Where: Various locations

When: September 19-29


Submitted by Paola Bacaro

Name: Sarah Reimer

Unit: 30

Prettiest place you’ve ever been to: Barcelona, Spain - a great mix of good food, weather, architecture and art, like that of Salvador Dali

Favourite thing(s) to do on the weekend: Quilting, swimming, and cycling. She may take up salsa dancing again too!

Favourite late-night snack: Crunchy Cheetos mixed with Sour Patch Kids

Something others may not know about you: She is a first generation Canadian - her family immigrated to Canada from Mexico as they were a part of the Mexican Mennonite group.

Calling All Green Thumbs and Helpers - The Grounds Committee Needs You!

Submitted by Grounds Committee - Mahlah, Romelia and Debbie

We're currently running on a skeleton crew and could really use some extra hands! Whether you’re a tree hugger, a waste warrior, or just someone who loves a good outdoor workout, we’ve got a spot for you.

Join us by the playground at 6:30 pm on Tuesday, August 20th, to see how you can get involved! We’re happy to find a role that fits your skills, interests, and time.

Here are a few ways you can contribute:

Tree Carers: Keep our trees happy and hydrated during those scorching days, and check in with our arborist twice a year.

♻️ Waste Organizers: It’s more fun than it sounds, promise! Organize the spring dumpster drop-off, donation pick-up for household items, and our annual yard waste pick-up.

🌸 Worker Bees/Gardening Crew: Get your hands dirty with mulching, weeding, hedge-trimming, and bellflower-pulling! It’s fun, and you’ll get a great workout.

📚 Documentation Coordinator: Help keep our committee organized by managing our documentation.

Interested? Come see us at the meeting, or reach out anytime. Let’s make our grounds gorgeous together!


Submitted by Communications Committee - Cindy, Isaac, Paola, Sharmeen

Do you enjoy working on a computer and know your way around Google Suite?

Love a good mix of tasks and don’t mind wearing different hats, including the big boss chair, Facebook funster, website wizard, and newsletter guru? If you're up for a rotating schedule and can make it to one meeting a month, we want YOU!

No worries if you’re new to some of this—we’re happy to provide training to get you up to speed. If you're eager to learn and be part of our awesome committee, let us know!

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