Submitted by Brenda Willman
Covid "seek a word" and COVID BINGO - I made them up both myself...but suspect there might be other COVID Bingo games out there - it's not that unique.
Submitted by Brenda Willman
Covid "seek a word" and COVID BINGO - I made them up both myself...but suspect there might be other COVID Bingo games out there - it's not that unique.
Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee
What we are learning during our first pandemic
That we can still get together to eat and/or meet via Zoom
How to make pancakes without a recipe
That a person can spend approximately three hours watching videos on how to sew a mask
That a sewing machine repair shop is not considered an essential service
That it IS possible to garden yourself into exhaustion
That the 19 in Covid19 stands for the 19 pounds we gain
That wearing a mask at home prevents constant eating
That community is important
What we did not learn:
Why toilet paper??
Submitted by Jacky Durrie