Submitted by Susan Russell
SHC has seen some changes on Sunnyhill Lane over the past few months. We were deeply saddened by the loss of long-time member Suzanne Gibson in September and pass on our condolences to her friends and family.
On December 1st we will welcome Kris Demeanor and Debbie Willis to unit 34 SHL as our newest Co-op members.
For people interested in applying for membership, the 2 and 3 bedroom waitlists are currently open and application forms can be accessed online or at the office.
The Member Selection Committee continues to meet as needed when a member is moving out or when there are duties related to a specific project. Member Selection Committee meetings are held at times that accommodate the committee members’ schedules. If you are interested in connecting with this committee please call one of our members (Susan Russell 403-700-7272 or Buzz Viberg 403-283-9443) and we will let you know when and where our next meeting will be held.