Submitted by Lisa Rouleau
Member Selection met this fall and discussed how the waiting list is updated and what notes are included regarding contact. We wanted to ensure that accurate information gets passed along to the office, and to the committee as volunteers come and go. We were kept busy phoning lots of people on the lists and interviewing quite a few, and we removed applicants who had not renewed their status. At this point in time, the lists are still closed.
We welcomed Jaime Muneoka and Laura Doram to the committee and said a sad farewell to Janine Morigeau who has moved away from SHC.
MS also was part of the latest Orientation sessions held at the curling club in November. In anticipation of that, the info sheet we provide to potential new members was updated by our chair, Susan Russell. It includes information about how our waitlist works, renewals, what is needed for interviews (proof of income, references, volunteer experience), expectations around involvement in the co-op, income limits and share payments.
Sending very warm welcomes to Nathan and Hannah Erickson, their daughter Eloise and son Spencer who’ve moved into #12 SHL, and to Coeur Riley and daughter McKenna who’ve moved into #823 – 3rd. Glad to have your families with us!