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Call for Communications Committee Members

Submitted by Mia Rushton on behalf of Communications Committee

The Communications Committee needs 2-3 new members to undertake ongoing committee tasks, with an emphasis on website and newsletter updates.

Both current members of the website team are stepping down from the committee as of December 17. It's time for a refresh and to hand the reins over to new members.

Email by December 10th to join. An orientation session, including documentation of committee procedures will be provided via Zoom mid-December (date & time to be confirmed).

Education Committee Newsletter Submission for December 2021

Submitted by Chris Taylor on behalf of Education Committee

The Education Committee held two successful Prospective Member’s Orientations on ZOOM on

November 3/21 at 7:00 pm and on November 6/21 at noon. In total, we had about 18 prospective

members attend. Thanks to Lisa Rouleaux and Susan Russell from Member Selection; Heidi Mithaug-

Cook from Buildings; Bob Bott from Planning and Development and Jane Roberts from Finance for their

presentations and Q and A sessions. In addition. thank you to the Social Committee, Grounds Committee

and Communications Committee for submitting a short description of their roles. The meetings went

well and even included a short YouTube video on The Food Forest Pilot.

In future, the Education Committee will try to hold one “in person” session and one ZOOM session for the convenience of prospective members and committee members.

Longtime Members Lisa and Richard Say Farewell to Sunnyhill

Submitted by Lisa Rouleau

November 2021

We have lived in Sunnsyhill Housing Coop for almost 25 years. When we moved in, our daughter was not quite three years old. Our son was born in our living room with a midwife, and both kids grew up with their own cohort of coop kids. SHC is a fantastic community for families and I am so grateful. It’s also an amazing place to learn about community and neighbourliness and how to get along and flourish despite differences of age, attitude and lifestyle.

Over the years I’ve been part of Buildings, Social, Newsletter, Member Selection and Education committees, attended the majority of General meetings, countless social gatherings, potlucks, and firepit dinners (and scrabble tournaments), and parent meetings about kid issues. I helped plan, fundraise and build our playground and have done several stints on the Board including chairing through the flood and recovery. Richard has been just as involved, volunteering for grounds clean up, Member Selection, playground building, and more. He has also been on the Board more than once.

I think the hardest thing we’ve been through has been the last two years. It’s hard to hang on to a sense of community when everyone is of necessity isolated, when we can’t have meetings in person where we can more easily read each other’s body language and intervene when side conversations get carried away. We’ve struggled to connect, and we’ve suffered the consequences of our limited patience in the face of struggles. That said— I was so heartened by the wonderful AGM on Oct 30. It was full of enthusiasm, cooperation and quite a bit of patience, humour, and good will!

I hope that the SHC community takes to heart the ideas brought forward by this year’s Board to use an ad-hoc Member Concerns committee that is drafted when issues arise. Having the Board responsible for member concerns as well as everything else the Board has to do is, at the best of times, too much. In more difficult times like the past year, it is overwhelming. There have been meetings with the city about our lease, new people in the office after Andrea left (figuring out all the things we learned to depend on her to do), and member concerns. And I know that all of the Board members took on more than they bargained for in mediating neighbour issues this year. And it took a toll. We can do better.

This year has been one of much contemplation in my household. Richard retired last year, my job at the Curling Club ended sadly after 13 years, and we are again, after a lovely reconnection for a Covid year with our son, alone in the house. And we believe strongly in SHC as a family coop: as that awesome place to raise kids. All of these reasons, combined with how emotionally stressful this last year has been, have led to our decision that our time at SHC must come to an end.

I am grateful for the friendships our family members found - thank you to all the wonderful people we’ve come to know over the years. I’m grateful for the chance to feel so connected to a group of people because we know how brilliant it can be to work together to create a beautiful, green, supportive community determined to be more than just individuals who live near each other. I’m grateful for firepits and potlucks and Stampede breakfasts and neighbours who check in and offer meals and plants and delectable food and hands to lift couches and dig yards and look after pets. I’m grateful to have watched so many co-op kids from birth to adulthood, to have listened to so much talk and laughter and play, to see gardens flourish, to read books with neighbours over drinks and snacks, to feel and celebrate the best that Sunnyhill can be, and to know that with goodwill and patience, it can continue to be a strong community that works hard to support its members and be a great example in Sunnyside and Calgary for a more connected way of being a community.

So much I will miss here. I am excited for the new family that will join you and hope they feel the love more than the troubles. I wish that for all of you.

Furnace Inspections and Outdoor Taps Shut-off Reminder

Submitted by Mollie Mithaug-Cook on behalf of the Buildings Committee

Dear Members,

We realize it's past due time for our regular furnace inspections. We have beenn unable to get a response on availability from Fagnans and have now reached out to ARPI's instead.

The furnace inspections will likely be pushed into the spring, since this is the busiest time of year and we have 66 units to inspect. However, if you have any immediate concerns with your furnace please let us know and we will have someone in to look at it right away.

Fall Reminders:

Fagnans has previously advised us to use the light duty furnace filters. Our older furnaces do not pack a lot of power for the thick hepa filters. So unfortunately these good quality filters only cause the blower to work harder and let less airflow through. It is recommended to change your filter every 1-3 months.

Homedepot has a 3 pack for $6 bucks, this can also come out of your unit fund:

Also, please remember to turn off your outdoor taps. If you haven't done this before or can't remember where your shut-off is, please reach out to Buildings and we will be happy to help.

1. Remove hose and any splitter off your outdoor faucets

2. Locate water shut-off valve(s) on ground level. Often they are located near the outdoor spigot on the interior wall, or sometimes they are placed near the water main. It typically looks like this:

3. Close the water shut off valve until it cannot turn any further.

4. Go back to the faucet outside and open it to let out any remaining water. Leave it open for a minute to be sure it's empty.

5. Now that the water between the shut off valve and the faucet is drained, you can go ahead and close the faucet and you're done!

This is supposedly going to be a cold winter so please ensure this is done ASAP.

Thank you for your patience, and see you at the AGM this Saturday!

Considering running for the Board at the AGM? Here's what's involved.

Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee

Please consider running for the Board at our annual general meeting – 2 pm, Saturday, October 30th.

Here is a quick reminder about what is involved in sitting on the Sunnyhill Board:

The board of directors is central to the operation of a co-operative business. Directors discuss matters affecting the co-op, make decisions that shape and guide the co-op, and prepare information and recommendations to members to discuss and decide on. Much of what a board does is responsive, reacting to events, ideas, and opportunities facing the co-operative. It’s important for directors to think about the future, and look for ways to improve their practices and the co-op’s well-being.

From Co-op Creator:

For more information, please connect with a board member.

(Editor’s note: for detailed information about Sunnyhill’s Board of Directors, please see our Articles of Incorporation and By-laws.)

Grounds Clean-up Postponed

Submitted by Yvonne Sabraw on behalf of the Grounds Committee

Hello Sunnyhill Members!

How can we have a Fall Clean-up this Saturday when it still feels like summer?

Continue to enjoy your gardens and yards, and we will reschedule the Fall Clean up. The tentative date is now Saturday, October 16th.

We have gotten some very helpful feedback about the timing for trimming hedges and this lovely time of year is NOT the time for that trimming, so there will be more details on that for the October Clean up.

Until then, please continue to store your brown compostable yard waste bags with leaves, grass clippings and branches at your unit, protected from the weather, until we have the big Post-cleanup pick-up for the City Landfill composting program.

See you in the sunshine this weekend!

Yvonne on behalf of Sunnyhill Grounds

Sunnyhill Housing Co-op 787 3 Street NW 403-270-8405

Continuity Planning & Social Fabric Development Survey Results

Submitted by Rachel Rose, James Jordan, Meghan Synnott & Eric Moschopedis

The Continuity Planning & Social Fabric Development subcommittee is pleased to invite you to join us in our next steps. Participate in the following ways:

1. Take a few moments to read through the survey results from last Spring. 

We recognize that some of the results may feel challenging to read or conflict with, your own experience in Sunnyhill. Take note of your reactions, thoughts, feelings, or even ideas that come to mind?

2. Share your initial reactions in the short survey at the end. 

It has been a while since we first asked these questions and things may have shifted or changed for you. We hope that these 3 simple questions will give us a sense as to what the current “temperature” is in the co-op as we move forward to the next steps. 

3. Plan to participate in an open house.

We want to welcome everyone to participate in an open house where we can safely talk about what this all means for Sunnyhill and gather your specific feedback about the priority areas outlined in the survey (i.e., Relationships & Trust, Education & Training of Co-op Members, Constructive Communication etc.) Specifically, we will be facilitating conversation that asks the following questions: 

“What would be different?”

“What does this look like?

Take some time to think about these questions in advance. We are asking members to RSVP for the open house so that we can prepare & plan. Our intention is to hold these outside (weather & COVID restrictions permitting) the dates will be: 

Watch for the dates and an RSVP link to be sent in the next few weeks!

Thanks to everyone who already offered their thoughts and ideas through this survey. We look forward to cooperatively determining what the next step of this process should be as thoughtfully collaborate, share & create ways to meaningfully advance this work. 

Cooperatively yours, 

Rachel Rose, James Jordan, Meghan Synnott & Eric Moschopedis 

Continuity Planning & Social Fabric Development Survey Results

Spring 2021 - Total Number of Respondents: 50 

Questions #1-3 Final Results of Priority Rankings 

First Priority: Relationships & Trust

Second Priority: Education & Training of Co-op Members

Third Priority: Constructive Communication

*This is a summary of the data. Full results for each priority are listed in the P & D files on the website. 

Question #4

In your opinion what is the best way for the co-op to best heal and work together towards a vibrant future?

*Please see Sheet 2 in the P& D files for the full data. Each response was assigned a theme, the themes were then ranked in order of their frequency mentioned

Question #5 

What single word would you use to describe how you feel about Sunnyhill Co-op in March 2021?

*The largest words appeared with the greatest frequency. 

Share your initial reactions…

Sunnyhill Grounds Clean-up Day September 25

Submitted by Jaée on behalf of the Grounds Committee

Mark your calendars!

Sunnyhill Grounds Clean-up Day

Saturday, September 25th, 10:00-3:00

Time to do a final weeding, water our trees, sweep the pathways, get tree suckers snipped, and generally prepare for the changing seasons. Birds have finished nesting so this is the ideal time to trim hedges so they will be healthy next year.

There are common space tasks to work on together, and we encourage members to also take care of their yards at this time. Remember, members are responsible for trimming hedges on both sides of their yard fence.

We will have a pick-up of trees, branches, and leaves after the clean-up event to take yard waste to the City Compost, so now is the time to get all compostable waste into brown bags. Please store your bags in a weather-protected area by your unit until we identify and announce the pick-up location

Note: SOD IS NOT COMPOSTABLE, and COMPOST BAGS MUST BE FREE OF WEEDS AND GARBAGE. Weeds, garbage and sod go to the City landfill.

And - if you haven't checked out the shed for a while - there are new clippers and an electric hedge trimmer available to help you tackle unruly hedges. We also have a small wood chipper that can take branches up to 2" in diameter. It is only to be used once you have training, so bring branches out to the Clean up day on the 25th to be chipped.

See you on Saturday the 25th! In the case of really bad weather, we will postpone by a week.

Sunnyhill and Lead Water Pipes

Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee

We have had our water tested for lead and it came back negative (less than .5 micrograms/litre). This falls well below the allowable lead concentration levels set by the Guidelines for Canadian Drinking Water Quality and the Health Canada limit of 5 micrograms per litre.

Based on these results, we can say that Sunnyhill probably does not have lead water pipes.

Reminder about Recycling Old Batteries and Light Bulbs

Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee

We now have two containers for old batteries and certain types of old light bulbs in the garage. Education Committee members monitor these containers and take them to be properly recycled.


  • Everything except car batteries can go in the plastic bin labelled Batteries in the garage

Light Bulbs we can recycle

  • Compact fluorescent bulbs – go in the box labelled “Light Bulbs” in the garage

Light bulbs we cannot recycle

  • Incandescent light bulbs (regular old fashioned bulbs) or halogen light bulbs – these can go directly into our garbage bins

  • Fluorescent tubes no longer than 4 feet in length – you must take these to a designated fire hall. A maximum of three (3) fluorescent tubes can be taken to a *designated fire hall

  • Fluorescent tubes longer than 4 feet in length and/or more than three (3) tubes need to go to one of the city’s free **Throw 'n' Go landfill areas

*Our closest designated fire halls are:

  • Vista Heights Fire Station #4 (1991 - 18 Avenue NE)

  • Varsity Fire Station #17 (3740 32 Avenue NW)

**Free Throw 'n' Go landfill areas:

  • East Calgary Landfill (68 Street and 17 Avenue SE)

  • Shepard Landfill (12111 Avenue & 68 Street SE)

  • Spyhill Landfill (69 Street and 112 Avenue NW)

To find out how to recycle other things, go to What Goes Where Calgary

City Solutions for Sunnyhill Lane Water & Ice

Submitted by Pam Boyd

Regarding Sunnyhill Lane Stream from a neighbourhood friend:

I attended a flood-related meeting with the City and GHD Engineering last night, where they described what they are considering to be the solutions for Sunnyhill Lane water & ice.

They will be twinning the pipes on 7th Avenue, south of Sunnyhill Lane, to take away more water. They know that they need to improve the grade, from 9th Ave below the bluff, enabling the water to flow from the base of the hill to 7th Ave. They will also be looking at options of a slotted drain running down the middle of Sunnyhill Lane, that would empty into 7th Ave. Our fearless leader (Charlie Lund) also wants them to look at draining the water at the base of the hill into 9th Ave (to the west) towards 5th Street. The engineers know they have to do a few things to bring solutions to Sunnyhill Lane drainage issues.

They are only about 60% through their design right now, but we see progress and we are leading them in the right direction. It probably won't be in place for another year or 2, but work is being done!

Committee volunteers needed!

Submitted by Buzz Viberg on behalf of the Board

Dear members,

We have Committees in desperate need of your participation, not just because it is a Coop responsibility fundamental to your becoming a member of this community but also to build stronger connections. During the Member Selection process, the assurance you gave about joining a committee was one of many qualities that made you a good fit for community living and therefore lead to your recommendation. Committee involvement helps prevent burnout of members already serving and ensures that committees like Buildings, Finance, Grounds and Social (just to name a few) continue to provide a strong foundation, on which our community is built.

Together we are stronger! If you have tried a committee and it wasn't the right fit or if you needed a break, then please consider other options moving forward. It is a great opportunity to make positive connections with people other than your neighbours. Each and every one of us has unique qualities and skills that are needed to help in the smooth running of our Coop. A big thank you to the many members who are working tirelessly on committees. It is appreciated.

Please join a committee, make a friend and make a difference towards positive change to ensure the Coop remains strong. The Board always welcomes member suggestions about ways in which committee involvement could be improved. Please feel free to contact me, Buzz at (403) 283-9443 if you would like assistance with finding a committee that you would feel best suited to.

The Committees most in need of new members that have come to the Board’s attention are:

  • Finance Committee (contact Kevin Chaney, (403) 313-5773)

  • Social Committee (contact James (403) 585-4247)

  • Buildings (contact Heidi Mighaug-Cook (403)-700-8525)

Many thanks,

Buzz (on behalf of the Board)

Callout for New Members for the Finance Committee

Submitted by Meagan Synnott on behalf of the Finance Committee

The Finance Committee is seeking new members:

  • What we do - we help coordinate the budget requests of the various committees, ensure money is spent in keeping with housing co-op regulations, monitor spending throughout the year to ensure the priorities of the co-op as approved by members are being carried out. Make recommendations to the board and membership regarding changes to the housing charges. Help ensure long-term viability of the co-op.

  • Opportunity for people interested in helping co-op be responsible for its own finances and gain knowledge about how the co-op operates on a financial level. You do not need to have a lot of pre-existing knowledge. Great way to learn about the breadth of what the co-op does—if you are new to committees it is a great one to join.

  • We meet every one to two months depending on what is needed from us, usually for an hour. We try to meet outside as much as possible. Most importantly, we will bring snacks now that Covid restrictions are relaxing :)

Meet & Greet with Ward 7 Candidate July 19

Submitted by Bob Bott

Erin Waite, one of the more progressive-sounding Ward 7 councillor candidates, would like to have a “meet and greet” with interested Sunnyhill members. She said she’s available Monday evening, July 19, so I suggested we gather around 7:30 by the Little Library and chat for a while or walk over to the picnic tables. Please spread the word among the members.

Several other candidates sound like they might be supportive of our values and aspirations, and it would be good to get to know them before the October 18 municipal election. Here’s the current list of those running in Ward 7, in alphabetical order, with links to their websites:

Ward 7

Incumbent: Druh Farrell

Daria Bogdanov

Bogdanov is an executive council member of the Progressive Group for Independent Business, the right-wing advocacy group that created Take Back City Hall. She is the Take Back City Hall candidate for Ward 7. Originally from Russia, Bogdanov touts her extensive business background—including marketing for Samsung and sales for a medical equipment company.

Matt Lalonde

Lalonde has a master's degree in city planning from the University of Calgary, which he says gives him the ability to provide hands-on policy and design solutions for the city. Lalonde wants to provide incentives to encourage small businesses, to strike a balance between inner-city redevelopment and preserving community character, and to promote "freedom of choice" for transportation.

Heather McRae

McRae is running a campaign calling for more civility at city hall. Having previously done communications work for Cenovus and Encana, she currently works at Decide Campaigns, which is run by her husband, Stephen Carter. In 2013, McRae worked as the campaign manager for incumbent Druh Farrell.

Marilyn North Peigan

Peigan, a member of the Piikani Nation who was appointed to the Calgary Police Commission in 2017, announced her candidacy on the day of the Women’s Memorial March honouring missing and murdered Indigenous women. She says she wants to enhance diversity at the city and help establish a "sustainable approach" to municipal governance.

Erin Waite

Waite has worked the past decade as the director of Connections, a counselling and consulting organization for those with disabilities, and prior to that worked in corporate communications and investment relations at Principal. She wants to find new uses for empty downtown office buildings and partner with various stakeholders on downtown revitalization.

Derek Williams

Williams supports downtown revitalization, the Green Line and the new arena, and wants to expand the city's cost-cutting programs, such as SAVE, as well as affordable housing. He's also the founder of a business that sells designer medical scrubs, and the sales manager for a janitorial services contractor.

Terry Wong

Wong has served as the executive director of the Calgary Business Improvement Area and is currently the president of the Hounsfield Heights Briar Hill Community Association. He has also been critical of the Guidebook for Great Communities. Wong says council needs to do a better job balancing its municipal infrastructure projects and broader planning goals.

AGM Postponement and Update on the Coming Months

Submitted by Richard Harrison, Chair, on behalf of the Board

Hello everyone,

I'm writing to let you know that due to the complications created by Andrea's departure at the beginning of May, the materials necessary to close out the co-op's year will not be ready for the end of June. In a year of the unexpected that this one has proved to be many times over, this probably shouldn't be a surprise, and it is not what we wanted. The Board has worked hard to catch up and keep the administration of the co-op on track. Despite the challenges, the co-op is functioning well at present, and, as we've seen many times over, our members are actively contributing to the co-op's good, and our committees are engaged in productive and forward-looking work.

In that light, we have appealed to the provincial government for an extension in order to get the necessary work done. They have been very understanding. Our co-op has an excellent record of fiscal and social responsibility, and we are not alone in needing more time in this regard. We anticipate that our financial documents will be ready by the end of July; to give ourselves room to deal with anything we haven't foreseen in making that estimate, we've requested a deadline that will schedule our AGM at the end of August, which has been granted.

We know that the bylaws calculate the date of the AGM according to the fiscal year and put it at the end of June; however the Co-operatives Act, under which we have requested this extension, takes priority, so we are still operating properly under our governing documents.

That said, the next two months will be busy ones that will set the stage for the end of August to be an excellent time to consider the year ahead. As some of you know, also near the end of June, the Planning and Development Committee were setting up to give us an update on negotiations with the City and a recommendation regarding their offer. The City, however, has delayed their reply to us, so the needed information was not provided in time. We expect that it will be ready for mid-July instead.

We are also looking forward to hearing from P&D regarding the Social Fabric Survey that they conducted over the past few months; the results have been compiled and they plan to hold informal focus groups to follow up. Their work will provide a much-appreciated picture of where we are as a community and inform the discussion of our future directions.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate our way through a year of obstacles that I see us over and over meeting in a truly cooperative spirit.

All the best,

Richard Harrison, Chair,

for the Board.

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