Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee
We now have two containers for old batteries and certain types of old light bulbs in the garage. Education Committee members monitor these containers and take them to be properly recycled.
Everything except car batteries can go in the plastic bin labelled Batteries in the garage
Light Bulbs we can recycle
Compact fluorescent bulbs – go in the box labelled “Light Bulbs” in the garage
Light bulbs we cannot recycle
Incandescent light bulbs (regular old fashioned bulbs) or halogen light bulbs – these can go directly into our garbage bins
Fluorescent tubes no longer than 4 feet in length – you must take these to a designated fire hall. A maximum of three (3) fluorescent tubes can be taken to a *designated fire hall
Fluorescent tubes longer than 4 feet in length and/or more than three (3) tubes need to go to one of the city’s free **Throw 'n' Go landfill areas
*Our closest designated fire halls are:
Vista Heights Fire Station #4 (1991 - 18 Avenue NE)
Varsity Fire Station #17 (3740 32 Avenue NW)
**Free Throw 'n' Go landfill areas:
East Calgary Landfill (68 Street and 17 Avenue SE)
Shepard Landfill (12111 Avenue & 68 Street SE)
Spyhill Landfill (69 Street and 112 Avenue NW)
To find out how to recycle other things, go to What Goes Where Calgary