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Board Bytes July 2023

Sorry for the Delay

Some of you may be aware that I broke my arm in April. I was unable to attend the Board Meetings and then when I was able to attend, I had to retrain my left hand to type. I now have my dexterity and range of motion back to about 80% normal so I have returned to my duties. Apologies for the lapse in communication. Here are some highlights from the last few board meetings.

HSCA Memberships

The board discussed renewing memberships with the HSCA. We found the easiest way forward is to reimburse any member who renews their current membership. So, if you are going to renew please retain a receipt and request reimbursement through the usual channels. If you have any questions regarding this, please email

Mortgage Renewed

Despite some setbacks and hurtles the board renewed the mortgage for 4 years at 6.65%. This was done during a transition period between office coordinators and a breakdown in communication from SACHA and the Bank. Personally, I’m very happy we managed to get it done in time and proud of the mad rush effort to accomplish the task.

AGM Minutes

We have them, perhaps by the time this goes out you will have them too. If not, we apologize for the delay, they are on their way out to membership as fast as we can get them out. There have been some great suggestions for expediting this process in the future. The most attractive idea is creating a live document during the meeting that we all have access to read online. This way the minutes are available almost immediately. We just lack the resources to execute this plan at the moment.

New Board 2023

The members have elected a new director to the board, Mahlah, and I am thrilled to have a new perspective at the table. They bring insight from being committee head and through their experience we hope to change how we engage our committees for the new term (more on that later). The rest of the board is the same as it was for 2022, Robert Perry (Chair) James Jordan (Vice Chair) Don McCabe (treasurer) David Sargent (Secretary) Joe Nunn (Director).

Survey Results

Our conclusion from the survey results shouldn’t come as a surprise. There has been a deterioration of the community spirit and we hope to start addressing some of these issues with the help of some committee efforts. In the fall we will begin planning a few workshops to rebuild lines of communication and neighborly trust. Things to address include Intervention Training, Compassionate Candor, Board of Director Duties, Governance and Policy Guidelines. If there are other areas you recognize could be workshopped please email us at We will begin planning these workshops in the fall with the first one to take place in the winter and carry on into the New Year.

Committee Communication

As I have mentioned in former board Bytes, the board has an official meeting on the second Wednesday of every month. We also meet every Wednesday around 6:30 for an informal check-in. These meetings are a great place for any committee head to sit down with at least one board member to discuss what they would like the board to add to the agenda for the upcoming board meeting. The invitation is open to all Committee heads to join any of these other Wednesday check ins, you can make an appointment via email at or simply drop in. But we do advise getting in touch with a board member first to ensure the location and time of these informal meetings. Hopefully this will help open the lines of communication more and make the board more accessible to its committees.

Stampede Gratitude Yahoo!

Despite the perceived breakdown in community fabric there are always a few members who shine brightly with generosity and neighborly spirit. We want to formally thank Jeremy and Renfrew for taking it on themselves to organize our annual Stampede breakfast. It was a grand gesture of faith and love to our intentional community ideals. Way to go!

Till Next Time…

James Jordan, Vice Chair Sunnyhill Board of Directors

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