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Board Bytes March 2023

Submitted by James Jordan

Vice-president of Sunnyhill Board of Directors.


Hello friends and neighbours, the board had their third meeting of the year on the usual 2nd Wednesday of the month. James, Joe, David, Don and Robert chaired. Also in attendance was our Property Coordinator Jose.

We took minutes, we assigned some tasks, cast some votes and I took notes. I might use too much creative writing but I’ll try to boil everything down so it’s easy to digest. But if you have questions about the Board Bytes please fill out this online feedback form -- CLICK THIS LINK or send an email to Maybe Include “Board Bytes” in the subject.

This report is about the meeting on March 8th 2023. But the board has weekly check-in meetings to improve our efficiency. These unofficial meetings are working well for keeping on top of deadlines, response time and task management. Once a month was too slow for the bureaucracy involved. The second Wednesday of every month is the official board meeting with quorum, minutes and agenda. All parties present and discuss updates from the committees that report to them. If you don’t know which board member your committee reports too; send an email to

CIWBR (the Canadian Institute of Workplace Bullying Resources) has been engaged and they are preparing a survey for all our members to get to know our community a bit better. We are working together on some questions to include. Linda and Anneka have met with some members regarding current conflicts and disputes. They have proposed a plan for mediation and potential resolution. The board discussed their proposal and voted in favour of moving forward. It's a game of inches but the movement so far has been encouraging.

Our Policies have been under review for some time now and we have to make some modifications and updates to remain relevant. The First of these was our

Conflict of Interest policy. At the next GM we will be able to vote on it and officially change it. Then there will only be 119 pages to go. A committee will be formed to present these updates to the membership piece by piece for review and discussion and approval.

Speaking of which, the next GM will be a Budget review. It wi May and details are evolving quickly. We hope a third of the meeting will be fun, a third will be discussion and a third will be business.

Planning and Development and Buildings need to meet with the board. We hope to discuss the current state of our development project, scheduled maintenance and Structure of Governance.

The Social Committee is hosting a St. Patrick's Day party on March 18th. Invites will go out by email and posted on facebook. Contact to volunteer.

Member involvement is down again and we recognise the dedication of the volunteers who are devoted to this community and believe in its enduring spirit of Neighbourhood. Thank you for your hard work and valuable time, we thrive together because of your selfless devotion.

This is my first time writing the board bytes and I am excited to write more; but it’s like journalism and I want to tell you what you want to know. If there is something you want included in my next article I have made a google form for feedback and constructive criticism – CLICK THIS LINK. Please refrain from grammatical or spelling notes, I get it, everyone who lives here writes books. Congratulations Rachel Rose, "Creating Stillness" is an inspiration.

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