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What to do if you see drugs or needles or people using them

Submitted by Belle Auld, Education Committee

We recently had an incident of what could have been someone using drugs in the Coop. They left behind the remains of a small fire, broken glass, empty prescription bottles and a white powder.

The Needle Response Team came and cleaned everything up for us. It turned out that the white powder was probably not drugs, according to the team, but best to be safe.

So, if anything like this happens again, please phone: the Needle Response Team at 403.796.5334. They are open 7 days a week from 7 am –3 pm.

If you need them outside those hours, please leave a voicemail. Often DOAP Team will cover the Needle Response line after 3pm. Jose in the office has their business cards.

If you see someone who is very intoxicated or high and you are concerned for them or yourself, please phone: The DOAP (Downtown Outreach Addictions Program) Team at 403.998.7388. Open 24/7.

Also for your information, from the Safe Needle Disposal Information Guide, “if you get poked by a needle:

  • Let the wound bleed as much as possible

  • Flush the area with flowing water

  • Wash the wound well with soap and warm water

  • Call Health Link – 811 – or seek medical attention for an assessment.”

Thanks to Helen Wirrell for reporting the incident.

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