Submitted by Belle Auld on behalf of the Education Committee
The Education Committee will be hosting two workshops based on Robert’s Rules of Order and Team norms for better meetings.
We have contracted Carmen Wyton of Ripple Enterprises to conduct two 30 minute presentations:
• Part 1 Sunday August 28 at 2 pm – Overview of Robert’s Rules and practical application in the coop business proceedings.
• Part 2 Monday August 29 at 7 pm – Meeting norms and practices. Based on outcomes from the Robert’s Rulesdiscussion, a collaborative workshop will be facilitated to establish meeting norms that all members are comfortable with. The intent is to establish expectations for meetings, and to have a known plan of action when meetings go off track.
Each presentation will be followed by a 15 – 20 minute question and answer period. Carmen is inviting us to collect questionsthat she will answer during the workshops. Please submit questions to Chris at or Belle at
Please plan to attend – we know Robert’s Rules may not be the most exciting topic for many of us, but we feel it is important for our community.
These workshops will be presented on Zoom and recorded so members can view them later.