Submitted by Phil Cox
If a member wrecks their unit, causes a disturbance or falls into arrears, and if they then disregard internal processes of sanction, then engaging legal services seems a viable option as a last resort.
Where we have difficult interactions across the membership that are traceable to personal styles and convictions and not malicious intent, there is no place for a legal intervention, ever. It is for us as a community to find a way.
The board initiated a very risky procedure designed to assign fault and make a repair. Confidentiality now is justified to protect the parties, but it has cordoned off what can be talked about and left a few of us feeling just a little less at home. And that is a loss to Sunnyhill.
We can build back from this, to be sure. But please, let’s not hail the use of a private investigator as a tool for making us stronger.