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New Member Welcome Letter from Grounds

Submitted by Yvonne Sabraw on behalf of the Grounds Committee

Sunnyhill Grounds Committee Welcomes You 

How exciting that you are the newest member of our Co-op! To help new members settle in with the fewest complications possible, the SHC Grounds Committee has put together this brief introduction to all things Grounds. This information is meant to supplement the Grounds policies that are part of Sunnyhill’s documents, which you should have received when you moved in, so please also take the time to read those and refer to them for more detail. 

Taking Care of Your Yard 

You are responsible for caring for your yard, driveway, and any garden attached to your unit, including areas just outside your fence. The standards for yard maintenance are in the Grounds policies in the Co-op binder. Please note, you must speak with Grounds before making any significant changes to your yard. 

Grounds provides members with information to identify problem weeds so members can clear out these species yearly. The City can fine us for allowing invasive weeds on our property, so please be diligent. If you need assistance, Grounds would be happy to help. 

Taking Care of our Common Spaces 

  • SHC has a contract for snow clearance and lawn care, which take care of our common areas and sidewalks. In the summer, please try to pick up children’s toys and other items around the common areas to make the lawn care easier for our contractors. • We contract an arborist to prune and care for trees in the common areas. We may ask members to water trees that are near their unit. Some of the Co-op trees require “deep root watering,” which needs a slow run of water through the area under the tree for 1-2 hours every week. 

  • The playground is open to all, as are the picnic tables and benches scattered around the co-op. Take a wander through, introduce yourself to other members, and if you see a firepit happening in the common space, you are welcome to join! 

  • The Food Forest, located along the public pathway east of 7th avenue, was created in 2019. It is in its infancy, and we ask everyone to be careful around the trees and plants in that area as they establish themselves. 

  • Several times through the summer, the Grounds Committee hosts working bees so members can come together to take care of our shared spaces. Coming out to these is a great way to meet your neighbours and be an active member of our co-op. Watch the newsletter for dates. 


Water for Sunnyhill is paid for collectively by the Co-op. Some units have outdoor taps, others do not. Members need to share access to these taps, so please be aware your neighbours may need to use yours if you have one. And if you don’t have outdoor water, check in with your neighbour about access to theirs.

Recycling, Composting, Garbage 

  • Sunnyhill, as a housing complex, has to contract our waste management. BluPlanet picks up all of our waste. We have 6 garbage enclosures, any of which can be used by members, and it is also members’ responsibility to keep them tidy. 

  • We rely on members to sort their trash correctly. The list of what goes in each container is on the garbage enclosures. The Co-op faces additional charges for items placed incorrectly, including large items left outside bins. Recycling and Compost are picked up every Wednesday. Garbage is picked up every second Thursday. 

  • If you have large items to dispose of, please hold onto them until for the Spring Cleanup. Every year we rent a giant dumpster where things such as furniture, mattresses, etc. can be disposed of. The exact date is announced in the Spring. 

The Shed 

You should have received a key for the shed when you got your unit key. You will find tools, mowers, whipper snippers, grass and clover seed, and other useful items in the shed. Please follow the rules posted just inside the door, especially about signing out items. All borrowed items should be returned by the end of the day. 

Pest Management 

As our buildings are aging, and we live near a naturalized area, we are prone to mice infestations. In the summer wasps build nests in eaves, under balcony roofs and decks, amongst other places. Please review the Pest Management Policy in your binder for advice. Pest management supplies are kept in the shed. 

Where To Get Help 

Trying to figure out what an invasive weed is? Concerned about managing the snow removal in your driveway? 

1. Talk to your neighbour about how you can share responsibilities 

2. Call or email the Grounds committee (see your phone list) 

3. Ask the SHC office coordinator to direct you to the best person for assistance. 


Think you might like to join the Grounds Committee? Excellent Choice! No previous knowledge or skills are required. Call or email us and come check out a meeting to see what we do. 


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