Submitted by Sarah Reimer on behalf of the Board
Still no joke! We’ve held board meetings on 2 back-to-back evenings in an effort to do justice to the major issue of the current global and local climate.
Here is a synopsis of the work undertaken at our meeting on April 14 & 15, 2020 via Zoom.
We met with Anda for a thorough reading of our audit report. The short version is that she feels it is a good report and that Sunnyhill has good internal financial management.
The Board met with a member to discuss a further re-working of the budget and will be recommending an 8% decrease to our operating costs/ housing charges for 2020. We accept that this is unprecedented and presents its own challenges.
This will relieve pressure on all members, as Covid affects us all. We are still discussing implications for those on subsidy.
We continue to look for ways in which we can reduce our operating costs while still maintaining co-op standards.
We will still be holding a virtual budget meeting via ZOOM to allow members an opportunity to voice concerns, dialogue and to vote on this recommendation.
New budget meeting scheduled for April 26 from 2-4
A Zoom link will be emailed to you prior to the meeting; you can choose to join with or without video. There is also a phone-in option for those wanting to use a landline. If you need support with this meeting forum, please contact the office.
We request that questions, concerns and general feedback be provided to the office email prior to the meeting to allow for clear presentation of issues and speakers.
The board received and accepted the resignation of members of the grounds committee.
In addressing member concerns re household items left outside garbage enclosures, please be reminded that this is not in keeping with our co-op ethos. We are looking into possibilities that this problem is sometimes caused by non-members, but request that members not participate.
When the snow clears, a large dumpster will be provided in the parking lot for your convenience.
Please store items intended for kijiji/ community collection by your unit.
Please inform the board if the issue persists.
Reminders from last month-
Normally, we would need to hold an AGM by June, but the Office of Co-ops has informed us that AGM deadlines have been extended.
Previously scheduled AGM (April 18) has been cancelled.
The Board will look into setting a new AGM date at a later time.
SACHA’s AGM (April 25) has been cancelled.
CHF AGM (June 11-13) has been cancelled. We thank all members who expressed interest in attending.
We still have one Board vacancy which we are currently seeking to fill. Please communicate your interest in serving on the board to the office.
Our next scheduled Board meeting is May 13, but we anticipate meeting before that.
We appreciate the outpouring of concern for individual members and for our community; the creative and varied means of maintaining socially distant contact is what we are all about! Thank you, Sunnyhill, for showing up in caring ways for your neighbours across the co-op!
Cooperatively yours,
Sarah Reimer
On behalf of the Board of Directors