Submitted by Sarah Reimer on behalf of the Board
Happy Autumn. The weather is crisp and clear as we all begin to hunker down for a long winter’s hibernation. Hopefully, we’ll still have opportunities to connect through-out the cold months.
We continue to update the policy handbook based on member feedback as presented at the GM and via email.
Further member feedback is welcomed until Dec 1, 2019.
Expect re-issue of the handbook before the January 2020 GM.
We met with Grounds committee to begin a process of clarifying communication expectations and procedure regarding future projects, membership decisions and on-going project maintenance.
We signed the Curbside Contract and will be enjoying snow removal services for the rest of the winter.
We welcome Sarah Stephens onto the board.
We still have one Board vacancy which we are currently seeking to fill. Please communicate your interest in serving on the board to the office.
Cooperatively yours,
Sarah Reimer
On behalf of the Board of Directors