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Now is the time to sign up for the Sunnyhill Garage Sale!

Submitted by Rachel Rose for the Social Committee

The Sunnyhill garage sale will take place Saturday, May 12 from 10:00- 4:00 (the busiest day of the CBC Book Sale at the Curling Club!)

Garage Sale.png

The Social Committee will be providing tables as well as signs and balloons to help advertise in the area. There will be two locations for members to set up their tables, the Circle Garden (across from the Little Library) & the Driveway of unit 783 on 3rd street across from the Curling Club. 

If you would like to reserve a full table (or part of a table depending on how much stuff you have) please contact Rachel Rose from the Social Committee at 587-433-9386, or drop by unit 807 and she will assign you table! 

Once you have your table you will then be responsible for setting up your table and managing sales. Any money made will be for you to keep!

If you have a few quality items that you would like to donate we will be collecting items for a donation table. The proceeds of this table will go towards Sunnyhill’s annual charitable donation towards Rooftops Canada. Donations will be accepted the evening of May 11 from 3-8 pm in unit 807. Please call Rachel if you would like to arrange another time to drop things off. 

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