This month we had lots to catch up on as we did not meet over the Summer. Highlights:
We thanked Helen Wirrell for her involvement on the board and welcomed Jacky Durrie and Mark Terrell.
The Fall begins, then, with one Board vacancy.
We assigned tasks as follows:
Officers - Mark (keeping Privacy Officer role until next AGM), Jacky, Janice
Secretary - Phil (will continue for now)
Treasurer - Robert
Vice-Chair - Sarah
Chair - Phil
…And semi-sorted our liaison roles to committees (one of us was stricken by the flu on the night, so will finish this conversation next meeting):
Finance - Robert
Janice - Grounds
Sarah - Member Selection
Mark - Planning and Development
TBD - Education
TBD - Buidlings
We updated the Co-op members with signing authority: Robert, Sarah, Janice and Philip
In September we took the following actions or made the following decisions:
Reviewed draft of updated Buildings Committee Policies - they now ready for a final tidy up and presentation to the Membership
Approved $3,000 allocation to supplement P and D Committee’s approved budget. Amount needed to contract consultant to conduct a 60 year housing analysis (costs and revenue) as per the request of the City of Calgary as part of our land leasing/purchasing discussions.
Referred spending decisions regarding the following to the annual budgeting process due to start in October: SACHA flood money ($6,215), balance after reaching new mortgage and paying CMHC to pay down previous mortgage ($138,672.83 + about $18,000 saved in this fiscal year as a result of paying down our original mortgage)
Instructed Planning and Development to isolate the costs of repairing/replacing three capital items: windows, balconies, roofing - all considered priority by our Mortgage lender (First Calgary)
We set our next Board meeting for October 10th at the Curling Club.
Comments/questions are welcome, please route through Andrea at the office.