Submitted by Cindy Schnee
The Grounds committee does a walk around once a month to inspect common areas and members' yards. During the last one we found a lot of children's toys and clothing scattered throughout the playground/common area as well as a few dishes and other assorted items. This is just to let you know that if these things are still around during our next walk around (August 14 or thereabouts), we will collect them and put them in the dumpster.
It has come to our attention that children are playing in the caragana trees beside the picnic tables and as a result many branches are broken. On some branches the bark has been carved away. Please ask your children to not harm the trees.
During these hot days please water any trees in your yard as well as those close to you in the common area.
Thanks for your cooperation in keeping our co-op grounds in top form.
Grounds committee