Submitted by Pamela Boyd
The Grounds committee is in the calm before the bursting-of- spring storm, hoping and encouraging everyone to plant those egg carton seedings - flowers, herbs, veggies - for planting in the gardens a month or so hence and trading up with neighbours.
Watch for Spring Shoots, a co-op wide event in mid May for:
the trading of seedlings,
the sharing of tips and gardening ideas,
an amazing weed finding game with prizes and tons of fun,
the drinking of tea and the munching of goodies and….
the watching of neighbours finally crawling out from
their winter hovels, white and creaky, the kids taller
and bigger and stronger than ever.
The City has announced an expansion of their waste and recycling bylaw. It states; “Similar to our multi-family recycling requirements, your building owner or manager will be responsible for setting up a food and yard waste diversion program.”
We’ll be working on the details for this over the next few months to have a full composting program up and running by the fall or sooner. Watch for updates.
Many thanks to whoever drained Sunnyhill Lake.